Tangible Software Solutions

C# to C++ Converter FAQ

Q:   Are entire projects converted?

You can select C# projects or folders to convert. All ".cs" files within that project or folder will be converted and output as either traditional .h/.cpp files or C++20 modules to the directory you specify. However, C# to C++ Converter does not construct the new C++ project file. This is due to the lack of similarity between C# project types and formats and C++ project types and formats.

Q:   What version of C# is converted?

We attempt to convert as much as possible and are continually updating the converter to handle newer C# features. However, many new C# features have no C++ equivalent so the output will require adjustments.

Q:   Are C# events converted?

Yes  –  try out our Free Edition to see the conversion details. C# to C++ Converter substitutes a wrapper type for the event delegate type. This type maintains collections of 'listeners' with methods to add or remove listeners.

Q:   Are C# delegates converted?

Yes  –  try out our Free Edition to see the conversion details. C# to C++ Converter converts C# delegates to function pointers using std::function.

Q:   Are the original C# files altered in any way?

Your existing code is left completely intact. The new C++ files are output to the new location that you specify.

Q:   What about .NET UI code?

The converter does not convert .NET UI types due to the lack of similarity between these types and C++ UI types.

Q:   What is the conversion accuracy?

Our accuracy is very high, but there will be significant adjustments required for all but the simplest conversions. There are no direct equivalents for some aspects of C#. Read the rest of the FAQ to get an idea of a few things that are not converted. C# to C++ Converter is intended to reduce the amount of work you'll have to do to convert code to C++, but it is just the first step.

Q:   Is there an option to produce C++/CLI code?

No. Despite the name, C++/CLI has very little in common with C++.

Q:   What are the most common manual adjustments?

Additional Resources

C++ and C# comparison and equivalents chart

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