Purchasing FAQ
Q: Do I need a PayPal account?
No. We use PayPal as our payment gateway/processor because it is very reliable and secure, but you can
pay directly with most credit cards – scroll down to the "Pay with a credit or Visa Debit card" button.
Q: When do I receive the unlock code?
Immediately after ordering, you will receive an order number and registration code – these are used to
unlock the Premium Edition. Since spam filters occasionally block legitimate
emails, check your spam folder. Contact us if you don't receive our email soon after ordering.
Q: I live outside of the United
States and Canada, so what do I select for State/Province?
Select 'Not Applicable'.
Q: What are the most common credit
card processing errors that occur when ordering?
- Incorrect Address Entry
Please ensure that the street address and zip code that
is entered for the registration information exactly matches the billing address that the credit
card company/bank has on file.
This type of processing error often happens if you are using a corporate credit card and
enter your own home address instead of the billing address for that corporate credit card.
Incorrect/No Credit Verification Value (CVV2 for Visa or CVC2 for MasterCard) Entry
Please ensure that the CVV2 or CVC2 information is correct.
The CVV2 or CVC2 is the three-digit number printed in the signature space on the back of most credit cards like
Visa and MasterCard.
The CVV2 or CVC2 number is always the last group of numbers in the signature space on the back of the card. It
is not part of the regular credit card number.
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