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Java to Python Converter

Java to Python Converter produces a high-quality Java to Python conversion, saving you hours of painstaking work and valuable time.

Try the Free Edition

  • No registration
  • Limited output (100 lines per file)

Use the Premium Edition

  • $159 US per year (15-day guarantee)
  • Unlimited conversion output

Key Benefits


Q:   Are the original Java files altered in any way?

Your existing code is left completely intact.  The new Python files are output to the new location that you specify.

Q:   What version of Java is converted?

We attempt to convert as much as possible and are continually updating the converter to handle newer Java features. However, some new Java features have no Python equivalent so the output will require adjustments.

Q:   What is the conversion accuracy?

Our accuracy is very high, but there will be significant adjustments required for all but the simplest conversions. There are no direct equivalents for some aspects of Java. Read the rest of the FAQ to get an idea of a few things that are not converted. Java to Python Converter is intended to reduce the amount of work you'll have to do to convert code to Python, but it is just the first step.

Q:   How are anonymous inner classes handled?

Anonymous inner classes are converted to Python nested classes.

Q:   What about Java UI code?

The converter does not convert Java UI types due to the lack of similarity between these types and Python UI types.

Q:   Are Python type hints included?

The converter has an option to include Python type hints.

Q:   What are the most common adjustments necessary after conversion?

Additional Resources

Java and Python equivalents chart

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